Showing posts with label Management Studies abroad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Management Studies abroad. Show all posts

Friday, 22 August 2014

Hult Review from Wesley vankirk Rayner


I was attracted by the fact that Hult pulls fferentin profess or suniversit iffe from rents and many di professional backgrounds. This diversity makes the education not only great on the theory side but also practically.

London has so many ffer things and you to meet offerent so many people di that it is an education in itself. It is also one of the few cities where you can have it all. If you need to research a certain project, you can find some place or some person that will help you with exactly what you need. Since Hult is located in Bloomsbury, the academic hub of London, you fferent can interact and mingle with many di students allowing you to learn and meet new people. Moreover, London is perfect for networking.


The atmosphere at Hult is pretty relaxed. You will be able to approach your professors and ask questions whenever you need to and most important part of Hult is Hult Review where students can share their views at Hult .The breakout rooms throughout fficiently the in campus allow you to work echilled atmosphere. Things hot up though during the final two days before a presentation when the building is bustling with other students all trying to get that A-grade.


The main reason I wanted to come to Hult was of course the international experience. I was looking to go into the International Relations sector when I first began my education and this seemed like the perfect place to do it—not only because I had never been to Europe before and wanted to experience a new culture, but because London itself is a giant hub for international experiences.


I hope to go into Performance Art marketing in London. This is a niche market that I have a lot
of background in. Hult has supported me by helping me secure an internship with Sol Dans. I completed an Action Project during my undergraduate at Hult and after the project finished I stayed on and have been working with them for over a year and a half.

I have found that the number one thing lacking from most peoples CVs when applying for jobs is experience: however with Hult, the Action Projects and mini projects you have to complete throughout the program give you tons of fferent experience companies with across di a wide range of sectors andgives you that extra edge when applying for jobs.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Hult Review – I consider myself to have developed, or honed, many skills while at Hult. Networking would definitely be a key one to single out


Having completed my Bachelor degree and now embarking upon my Master’s degree at Hult, I can proudly say that I am a true Hult . I was attracted to Hult because of its diverse and business-focused presence in London and around the world. I wanted to stay away from the conventional American educational setting and thus came to Europe to explore new horizons. Hult has been an amazing experience of personal growth and academic fulfilment . and best thing is that anyone can express their view of Hult through Hult Review


At Hult not everyone comes from the same walk of life or culture but the school gives you the resources to experience fferences those di in a business context. Having invested my full undergraduate education
And now postgraduate studies at Hult, I believe the school will continue to grow and rise, adding value to my degree and experiences.
I have joined the Hult Real Estate Club and I am involved with sports and fitness clubs outside the university.


The atmosphere on campus is usually very lively, friendly, and welcoming. The atmosphere on campus and in the classroom was professional and relaxed at the same time. You could feel that students were open to learn and share their knowledge fortunately had the opportunity to visit the Hult Shanghai campus as an undergrad and that was an unforgettable experience in itself and   Apart  from  that  I  have  gone  through  some  of  the  Hult Reviews,  students  share  about their  hult  experience  and  I  found  them  helpful   to  make  the  right  choice.


I hope to begin my professional career in a well-rounded position. I have always worked and held part-time employment but the opportunity to finish my educational degree and become more independent is exciting. With a Master’s from Hult I hope to stand out for years to come and to make a statement by being a representative of the school and its values.

At Hult I have gained and will continue to gain the academic, professional, and life skills in order to succeed. I see it as equipping myself and using my strengths and even weaknesses in order to find myself in a position that makes me happy and fulfilled and not just remunerated. Now I am so happy that I choose Hult to change my life. Now I am feeling so proud that I was the part of Hult